Últimas publicaciones y premios de ANOBAS-TCA

Family functioning and quality of life among families in Anorexia Nervosa: A comparison with substance-related disorders and healthy controls.


Anastasiadou, D., Sepulveda, A.R., Sánchez, C., Parks, M., Alvarez, T., Graell, M. (2016). European Eating Disorder Review, 2016, 24, 294-303.

Experience of caregiving and coping strategies in caregivers of adolescents with an eating disorder: A comparative study.


Parks M, Anastasiadou D, Sánchez JC, Graell M, Sepulveda AR. (2017). Psychiatry Research, 260,241-247.

A controlled study of the Collaborative Care Skills Workshops versus Psycho-Educational Workshops among Spanish caregivers of relatives with an eating disorder.


Sepulveda Garcia, A.R; Anastasiadou, D; Parks, M; Gutiérrez, E. (2018). European Eating Disorder Review.

The adolescent onset anorexia nervosa study (ANABEL): Design and baseline results.


Graell, M., de Andrés, P., Sepúlveda, A.R., Moreno, A., Villaseñor, A., Faya, M., Martínez-Catarero, C., Gómez-Martinez, S., Marcos, A., Morandé, G. y Nova, E (2018). International Journal of Methods in Psychiatry Research, e1739 (1-12).

Biological, psychological, environmental and familial biomarkers in eating disorders: design and baseline results of a control-case study (ANOBAS).


Sepúlveda, A.R., Anastasiadou, D., Graell, M., Andrés, P., Alvarez, T., Marcos, A., Morandé, G., Carrobles, J.A. Psychological Methods, 2019.

Spanish Validation of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire for Adolescents (EDE-Q-A): Confirmatory Factor Analyses among a clinical simple.


A.R. Sepúlveda, M. Graell, E. Compte, Y. Pellegrin, Andres, P.,Faya M., Villaseñor, G., S. Gutiérrez (2019). Eating Disorder: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention.

Mejor Comunicación Oral Congreso Internacional. XI Congreso AEETCA Asociación Española para el Estudio de los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria

¿Cómo examinar los posibles casos de riesgo de TCA en adolescentes con patología afectiva?

Moreno A.; Álvarez T.; Anastasiadou, D.; Mollejo E; Graell, M. y Sepúlveda AR.